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Explore the Gardens

Tranquility Awaits You

Treasures to Discover

Take an inside look at the Garden, discover hidden plants, flowers, and  wildlife.

Click on each section of the map below to learn more about our wonderful garden and all of our offerings.

Garden Map

To conserve the ecosystem, Hearthstone Gardens features plants that attract pollinators, birds,

and other wildlife.. The peace and tranquility the Gardens offer underscore our significant and

vital connection with the natural world. 

Rose Garden

The Rose Garden features 55 pink, red, and white knock out roses in an “S” pattern

and continuous spring, summer, and fall bloom with June being the peak.

Butterfly Garden

A large variety of colorful perennials and annuals rich in pollen and nectar attract pollinators, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Winter rest promises spring profusion.

 Japanese Garden

​A total change of botanical  pace and an injection of a culture known for its simplicity and tranquility, this garden is a North Florida interpretation of a centuries old tradition. This garden features conifers, maples, iris, bamboo, mosses, grasses. sand and gravel, lanterns and water features around the Koi pond typify Japanese tradition.

Curated for You

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